
June 2021 Product Recalls

Product Defect Lawyer Product recalls occur when a product is considered dangerous for consumer use. Any item produced for sale to consumers can be recalled but commonly recalled products include: Medical supplies Medication Cosmetics Food Toys Mechanical parts Recalls can be issued by the product manufacturer or by the government. Voluntary recalls are issued by

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The Best Chances Of Winning A Wrongful Death Suit Against The University

In general, colleges and universities have the duty to take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of their students. Whether or not a specific institution of higher learning can be held legally responsible for the murder of one of its students, however, depends on the facts and circumstances surrounding the murder and the laws of

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Which States Allow Domestic Asset Protection Trusts?

Estate Planning Lawyer Asset protection trusts are financial tools used to prevent assets from being seized to pay creditors in court proceedings. There are both domestic and international trusts. Domestic trusts are established in the United States, but only some states allow them. Which States Allow Domestic Asset Protection Trusts? Alaska and Delaware became the

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¿Cuáles son las lesiones personales más comunes por accidentes automovilísticos?

Cuando nos vemos involucrados en un accidente automovilístico, podemos tener la suerte de resultar ilesos; pero con frecuencia los que intervienen en el accidente resultan lesionados. Desde lesiones leves hasta fatales. Entre las lesiones personales más comunes en un accidente automovilístico se encuentran las siguientes: 1.Síndrome de Latigazo Cervical: Esta lesión personal sucede cuando el

¿Cuáles son las lesiones personales más comunes por accidentes automovilísticos? Read More »

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